Capture your pregnancy in silver and sunlight.
Double exposures in wet plate photography are a bit more of a challenge than in other mediums, most notably because of the time constraint. It is called "wet plate" collodion because every step must be completed before the plate dries out. Depending on the weather, this gives the photographer 10-15 minutes from first pour to develope.
For this shot I first posed the subject against a translucent white backdrop with powerful strobes behind. This gave me a silhouette of the subject - an unexposed area in which place the second exposure of flowers against a black backdrop. Pretty simple. Just do it fast!
Are you looking for a Denver maternity photographer for a pregnancy portrait? Come visit me for a maternity session at my Boulder tintype studio, or hire the mobile darkroom to come to your house!!! Bring your favorite flowers, some bold ideas for collaboration, or leave it to me to do the brainstorming. You can schedule a session here at The Tintype Company
